Nutrition Jump Start
The Nutrition Jump Start was created to fast track improving your nutrition and maximize results in your first 30 days. What does it include?
- A DEXA scan to measure baseline body composition data.
- A Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) test to measure your metabolism and calories needed to accomplish individual goals
- A macronutrient breakdown - learn how much protein/carbs/fat you need based on your RMR and goals.
- A customized meal plan - see what a daily meal plan looks like based on your RMR, goals and macro breakdown
- 2 virtual nutrition coaching sessions - a great opportunity to ask questions and get one-on-one coaching with one of our nutrition experts
How Does it Work?
Step 1: Get your DEXA and Resting Metabolic Rate tests to get baseline data
Step 2: Do your first Nutrition Coaching sessions to go over your goals with your nutrition coach
Step 3: Receive your Macronutrient Breakdown and Customized Meal Plan
Step 4: Do your second nutrition coaching session 1-month later to ask questions and fine tune your routine
Use the "Get Started" link and fill out the Contact Form to get started!